Donate to support DivestInvest

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You can make a one-off donation through our secure form to the left. The form is securely powered by PayPal's PayFloPro. If you want to make a change, cancel, or update your donation, please notify Hannah Brown. All amounts are in AUD unless otherwise specified.


Contribute to the DivestInvest

DivestInvest is part of The Australia Institute, a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) charity. All donations to our research fund of $2 or more are tax deductible. 

Please note: this form does not accept American Express - please click here to make an American Express donation.

Or click here to donate using PayPal.

Direct transfer:

Account Name: The Australia Institute Research Fund 
BSB: 313 140 
Account Number: 120 22 920

Who's donating
    donated via 2019-02-15 23:39:01 +1100
    donated 2018-09-06 17:56:26 +1000