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Become a regular donor
By joining our team of monthly donors, you’ll give us the ability to plan for the future and to provide excellent research and advice to people and institutions considering divesting from fossil fuels for a more just, sustainable and peaceful society.
Donating is secure
You can make a one-off or recurring donation through our secure form to the left. The form is securely powered by PayPal's PayFloPro. If you want to make a change, cancel, or update your donation, please notifyHannah Brown. All amounts are in AUD unless otherwise specified.
Contribute to DivestInvest
DivestInvest is part ofThe Australia Institute, a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) charity. All donations to our research fund of $2 or more are tax deductible.Please note:this form does not accept American Express- please click here to make an American Express donation.
By joining our team of monthly donors, you’ll give us the ability to plan for the future and to provide excellent research and advice to people and institutions considering divesting from fossil fuels for a more just, sustainable and peaceful society.
Donating is secure
You can make a one-off or recurring donation through our secure form to the left. The form is securely powered by PayPal's PayFloPro. If you want to make a change, cancel, or update your donation, please notifyHannah Brown. All amounts are in AUD unless otherwise specified.
Contribute to DivestInvest
DivestInvest is part ofThe Australia Institute, a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) charity. All donations to our research fund of $2 or more are tax deductible.Please note:this form does not accept American Express- please click here to make an American Express donation.